Privacy Policy for the Solutions Finance Platform
Last updated: 14.12.2023
Section 1: Introduction
The Financial Solutions Company for Financial Technology platform stores and collects personal information for your account on the platform within the limits of the information you request and what is extracted through your use of the platform - you can review the attachments to find out personal data - and accordingly we would like to inform you that our dealings are based on the principle of transparency and mutual trust. We at the Financing Solutions Company for Financial Technology platform appreciate your trust in us, and we guarantee the confidentiality of all your information registered with us in line with our policy and without violating the personal data protection system and related regulations. The privacy policy, which will be explained below, represents a binding legal contract between the two parties (whether you are a natural or legal person) and the Financing Solutions Company for Financial Technology, which is the owner and developer of the platform. Once you log in to the platform and agree to the terms and conditions and the privacy policy, the contract has been concluded and its legal effects have been created. Therefore, you must read these terms very carefully, and we also recommend that you keep a copy of the terms of this privacy policy by requesting it via your email, so that you can refer to it in the future. If you do not agree to these policies, please stop using the Financing Solutions Company platform for financial technology immediately, noting that your continued use of it constitutes your acceptance of them.
Section 2:
The above preamble is an integral part of this contract.
Section 4: Purpose of using the collected information:
The Financing Solutions Company’s financial technology platform collects and uses beneficiary information for the following purposes:
4.1 Improving the quality of customer service.
4.2 Improving the platform with every update to suit your aspirations.
4.3 Sending emails periodically: The email address registered by beneficiaries will only be used to send them information and updates related to their requests. It may also be used to respond to inquiries, or other requests or questions. If the beneficiary decides to join our mailing list, he will receive messages on his email that may include news and information related to the platform in addition to promotional campaigns.
Section 5: Limits on disclosing the beneficiary’s personal information
Your personal information will not be used for any purpose other than completing the transaction with you except in the following cases:
5.1 We must have your permission.
5.2 Submitting it to the service provider to provide offers and discounts on products and services.
5.3 Disclose it to the competent authorities if requested due to illegal use of the platform.
5.4 Special circumstances such as subpoenas or injunctions.
5.5 If ownership of the Solutions Finance Platform is transferred to another company, ownership of the information will be transferred to it.
Section 6: Beneficiary Rights
In relation to his personal data, the beneficiary has the right to request any of the following:
6.1 Request access to his personal data available on the platform, including reviewing it and obtaining a copy of it in a clear format that matches the content of the records.
6.2 Request that his personal data be corrected, completed, or updated.
6.3 Requesting the destruction of his personal data available on the platform that no longer needs, without prejudice to the provisions of Article (Eighteen) of the Personal Data Protection System.
Section 7: Sharing information to the beneficiary
7.1 Sharing beneficiary information with service providers: The Financing Solutions Company's platform for financial technology provides service providers with the beneficiary's name, age, number, location, number of platform uses, and related amounts and location of use, for the purpose of analyzing it and providing appropriate benefits and offers.
7.2 Sharing information with a third party: The Financial Solutions Company platform for financial technology may employ other companies or individuals to perform tasks on its behalf - but not limited to - sending regular mail and e-mail, analyzing data, providing marketing assistance, providing search results, and they may have access to the information provided by you when You register it on the platform, such as (name - age - mobile number - detailed geographical location).
Section 8: Privacy guarantee by the platform
8.1 The beneficiary, whether an individual or a company, grants full authority and authorization to the platform or his representative or an agreement is made with him to use the personal information registered by the beneficiary on the platform, as well as the data that results from the processing of this information, within the scope of the purposes of operating or developing the platform or the service providers shared with it.
8.2 At Financing Solutions for Financial Technology, we pledge not to sell, rent, or share your personal information to any third party except as stipulated in this privacy policy.
8.3 The platform collects the information that the beneficiary provides by registering on the platform in a special register, as well as the information collected by the platform during your use of it, including collecting information about the operations and requests that you make on the platform and others. It may collect additional information regarding your participation in any of the benefits or Discounts are provided.
8.4 After closing your account on the platform, your registered personal data will be deleted immediately, unless the beneficiary allows the platform to retain it within the closing steps. Please put the check box for the beneficiary during the closing stages
8.5 The platform and the company that owns it have the right to retain information and data resulting from the operations and services provided or resulting from the processing of your personal information even after the beneficiary cancels the account, without indicating or linking them to the identity of the beneficiary. In order to benefit from it in statistics and platform development.
Section 9: Agreeing to the terms of the privacy policy
Your agreement to the privacy policy when you register on the platform or after any update to these policies before you begin using the platform indicates your full agreement to our privacy policy on the platform. If you do not agree to this policy, you must not use the Platform.
Section 10: Changes to the Privacy Policy
The Financial Solutions Company for Financial Technology platform and the Financial Solutions Company for Financial Technology have the discretion to update this privacy policy at any time; When we do this, we will send an email and you will be asked to agree to these modifications at the time, so that you can continue to use the platform; We therefore recommend that users review the Privacy Policy frequently to see any changes so that they are aware of what we are doing to protect the personal data we collect. The beneficiary also acknowledges and agrees to his responsibility to review this privacy policy periodically and to be aware of the amendments.
Section 11: Responsibility of the Solutions Finance Platform
11.1 The Financing Solutions Company for Financial Technology is keen that the parties dealing with the Financial Solutions Company platform for financial technology as a third party and have access to beneficiary data are subject to the same global standards to which the Financing Solutions Company for Financial Technology and the Financing Solutions Company platform for financial technology are subject to to protect beneficiary information.
11.2 The Financial Solutions Company for Financial Technology platform, or the Financial Solutions Company for Financial Technology that owns it, will not have any responsibility for the incorrect disclosure of the beneficiary information stored on it, due to an error on the part of any party or from unauthorized or illegal actions of third parties, and does not accept any guarantee or losses. Or damages that may arise from that.
11.3 The Financing Solutions Company for Financial Technology is keen to ensure that the (Solutions for Finance) platform is free of viruses, spyware, malicious cookie programs, or any other harmful content with reasonable and appropriate efforts. However, the Financing Solutions Platform or the Financing Solutions Company for Financial Technology do not guarantee and shall not bear responsibility for any damages. Viruses, hacking, or spyware may infect the beneficiary's phone or any other device on which he uses the platform, which may lead to the theft of the beneficiary's data or credit card information, so the beneficiary is solely responsible for protecting his device.
Section 12: Applicable law and jurisdiction
The Privacy Policy, in its interpretation, implementation and all aspects, is subject to the provisions in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and when any dispute arises between the two parties related to the platform, it shall be decided by the competent judicial authority in the city of Riyadh in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and in the event of any difference or inconsistency in this version from the English version or Whichever version the platform translates to, the Arabic version is the approved and decisive one.